
VestMap helps real estate investors make data-driven decisions to quickly act on profitable investment opportunities. They aggregate and display DISCERN Method data for insight into a geographic location’s growth trends, rents, schools, crime, and much more.

Who they are 🤓

Most property data is irrelevant for helping you make sound real estate investment decisions. Knowing a property was built in 1952 doesn’t tell you how much the population will grow in the next five years, the current median income, or forecasted median income growth.

VestMap is a project we helped build fully on the front-end and backend in WordPress that stores complex data sets and generates reports for you to get objective data quickly for insight into a location’s future.

Services provided:

• Custom WordPress
• Custom Plugin
• Brand Design
• Business Strategy

The Challege 💪🏼

VestMap is a project we helped build fully on the front-end and backend in WordPress that stores complex data sets and generates reports for you to get objective data quickly for insight into a location’s future.

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Icing gummies danish sweet roll apple pie macaroon lollipop donut ice cream. Halvah donut fruitcake cotton candy. Caramels oat cake lollipop bear claw topping macaroon chocolate bar cupcake sugar plum. Danish lemon drops chocolate brownie cheesecake. Toffee jelly beans jelly-o cookie. Cake pudding cotton candy caramels.

The Results ✨

Icing gummies danish sweet roll apple pie macaroon lollipop donut ice cream. Halvah donut fruitcake cotton candy. Caramels oat cake lollipop bear claw topping macaroon chocolate bar cupcake sugar plum. Danish lemon drops chocolate brownie cheesecake. Toffee jelly beans jelly-o cookie. Cake pudding cotton candy caramels.

What they say about us 🤩

When it comes to the VestMap website, The App Chefs bring the genius behind the scenes making it both functional and beautiful. They pulled in multiple data queries and made it mobile-friendly so that you can log in on the go.

Lee Ripma, Vestmap Founder
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